Mental Health and Students

Disclaimer: We are mere students not experts. This is part of a project with the purpose of learning how to visualize data.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), half of all mental health conditions start in the adolescence but most of them are undetected or untreated. Being depression the fourth leading cause of illness and disability among adolescents. Emotional disorders can profoundly affect the education and social withdrawal can exacerbate isolation and loneliness. At its worse, depression can lead to suicide.

About the dataset used

Therefore, we wanted to make an exploratory research in this area using data of students from a French university published by Dryad.
This dataset was created to evaluate the health and lifestyle of undergraduates and asses risk factors associated with psychiatric symptoms. The data was recollected by the medical service of the unversity by making the students undergo to a compulsory medical visit. It includes the lifestyle of the students and prevalence to psychriatic symptoms.

Overall view of the data

So to make an introduction to the data, we have decided to create some simple visualizations, that will help us what are we working with. On the one hand, we have a doughnut chart which represents the number of women and men who have depressive symptoms. On the other hand, we find a bar chart which show the age ranges that we can find in the data, and how many students of each age have depressive symtpoms.

For more information hover the charts.